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A Card for  all occasion from a Valentine card to a letter of  'Thank you Card' to Happy Birthday - Blank inside.


Horse power collection  - symbolizes your desire for control and power. And to over come the  feeling of powerless in your waking life. This card brings a super power of inner growth. Soon all the collection will have a partner as a cushion to love forever.

What does the card say -Why a horse? because it symbolises freedom, courage, nobleness, heroism, spirit, and success in many ancient and modern cultures. we dont all want a tattoo so have it on a card.

copy of Passion to care

Price Options
One-time purchase
Card a month
Different one each month with love
£2.50every month for 12 months
  • 15 X 15 cm Square

For the love of creating plus meeting other like minded souls.

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Opening times: 9am - 5pm Mon - Fri

Tel: 07952826636 | susannacheshireart

The Studio: Plum tree cottage, CV33. 9EP

© Susanna Cheshire reserves copyright of all work shown

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